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Northsprings provides Kid's Church (a multi-age kids church service) for children 0-11 years old & nursery 0-3. To ensure the safety of the kids our volunteers have had background checks and screenings. We offer relevant teachings and engaging activities that help the children build relationships with JESUS!

Our Philosophy

We offer a safe environment for each child. We ensure our workers have been vetted and trained to give your little the best experience we can!
We make the Bible come alive in story, song, life applications & activities which include giving & serving our church & loving our neighbor!
Your child is not just a number in our classroom. We care for and value each individual little that walks through our doors, our goal is to show them the extraavagant love of Jesus!
The Kid's Scoop!
the latest and greatest with NSC Kids

Our Unit Theme: God is Love

Unit Verse:  John 3:16, "God so Loved the World."

Do I check my kids in? We gather the children by the double doors and walk back together to check them in but we do prefer that parents bring their kiddos back to check in and pick them up no later than 11:45am.
Do you have a place I can nurse or offer nursery? We offer nursery on request! One of our volunteers will approach you and watch your little one if you'd like. In addition we have a nursing Mom's room located in the back of the sanctuary equiped with toys, activity bags, and a rocker and changing table.
Will I be notified if my child needs attention? Yes, we will notify you if your child needs bathroom assistance or needs you.
For more info on kids church, please email: